A fascinating job
An exciting but very demanding profession. Zookeepers are really dedicated to their animals, they have to be patient and to have a good sense of observation.
It’s an outdoor job who requires autonomy and a good team spirit. Zookeepers are alone all day but they have to work together for decision making and information transmission.
Relational and communication skills are essential for exchanges with visitors.
In France, there are several training courses in the profession of animal trainer and offering opportunities in animal parks and reserves:
- Groupe Etablières à la Roche-sur-Yon (85) Formation en 2 ans (niveau BAC+2)
Tél. 0 970 808 221 (appel non surtaxé) - Centre de Formation d’Apprentis Agricoles du Lot (CFAA) à Gramat (46)
Tél. 05 65 38 72 12 - Iréo de Carquefou (44)
Tél. 02 40 52 79 82 - Centre de Formation Professionnelle et de Promotion Agricole de Loir-et-Cher de Vendôme (41).
Tél. 02 54 77 69 37