More than 450 primates
A la Vallée des Singes, les animaux présentés sont considérés comme des ambassadeurs de leurs congénères dans la nature. En parrainant l’un d’entre eux, vous participez à la conservation des primates à travers le monde et devenez membre de l’association !
Sponsoring of a primate entitles you :
– a personal sponsorship certificate with a large picture of the chosen primate
– a species data sheet on species ecology and behaviour
– some news from the sponsored animal, twice a year
– a ticket for a free access to la Vallée des Singes, allowing you to visit the animal you sponso, or 2 free tickets, or a personnal all-year free access card, called « Privilège » card (depending on the chosen formula). The « Privilege card » allows you to visit the animal you sponsor as often as you want during the time of your sponsorship.
– With the formula « Protector », you will get the « Privilege card » and a special tour of La Vallée des Singes and even behind the scene !
Terms of sponsorship
- Sponsorship of a primate lasts 12 or 24 months, depending on the formula you choose.
- Don’t forget that the life of primates in captivity is like everywhere else and sudden changes can happen : the primates can become sick, or, following the ex situ conservation programmes they are belonging to, they can be transferred to another zoological institution.
- Sponsoring of a primate at la Vallée des Singes does not give you legal rights on the sponsored animal, neither on the manner we care for it.
- One animal can be sponsored by other peoples than you.